Edit Component PROTIP CMS of type Hero Banner for Inner Pages + Media


Dynamic and easy-to-use CMS makes you love generating content.
Edit Component Our Content Management System of type Content Block + Media on Right
What we offer
Our Content Management System

Protip saw the need for a CMS that can achieve your business goals via producing web pages with the highest performance, SEO and accessibility standards, and at the same time, a CMS that is fun to work with.

Using traditional web builder tools may achieve similar results visually, but extending such tools to reach a fully functional web application cannot be done without much customisation, coding efforts and testing. With Protip CMS, you have high flexibility in doing that with user-friendly steps.

Edit Component Features Group of type Group - 2 Columns
Edit Component SEO of type Content Block
CMS Features

Protip CMS produce web pages with embedded SEO and accessibility implementation. Also, with any component used, we implement the related data markup schema. The CMS gives you complete control over enabling or disabling pages from SEO visibility.

Edit Component Internal Search Engine of type Content Block
CMS Features
Internal Search Engine

Our CMS has a powerful search engine packed up with a robust content ranking algorithm that makes searching for website content much more accessible and convenient. Your website visitor can explore even your website images and uploaded documents. The CMS gives you complete control over what content you want to enable for the internal search.

Edit Component Lead Management of type Content Block
CMS Features
Lead Management

Never miss an opportunity with our enquiries and lead centre. The CMS has a specialised module to collect the received lead through your website in one place. You will be able to see all information obtained from the authority and some metadata about the used browser, device, and geo data.

Edit Component User Management of type Content Block
CMS Features
User Management

Our CMS has a robust user management module where you can invite new users and assign them to different roles.

Edit Component Dynamic form builder of type Content Block
CMS Features
Dynamic form builder

We have implemented a very flexible form builder to give you the freedom to create your forms whenever you want. You can choose the field type, validation messages, mandatory fields, and whether to show them in your lead centre.

Edit Component Scripts and Pixels of type Content Block
CMS Features
Scripts and Pixels

It is now easier than ever to add any scripts or pixels to your website pages or all the pages at once. You can rely on our code editors to add the required code to your pages.

Edit Component Editor mode of type Content Block
CMS Features
Editor mode

You can display your page in Editor mode to quickly locate the component you want to edit from the page. That is a convenient feature when it comes to editing complex pages.

Edit Component Multi Language of type Content Block
CMS Features
Multi Language

Our CMS currently support English and Arabic. The CMS enables you to have a language switcher and add content for both languages.

Edit Component The Process of type Content Block
CMS Delivery Process
The Process

Frontend -> Deployment -> Content -> Search Engines -> Training -> Warranty

  • You will need to provide us with your website design, or we can build it for you. From that, we will transform your web design into a group of components and construct them together to form your web pages.
  • Protip, we will deploy your CMS to the desired hosting and will be happy to help you choose the right web hosting.
  • We can help you add the website's initial content, SEO keywords, and descriptions. Afterwards, we will submit your website to a Search Engine and create an Analytics profile.
  • We will provide specialised online training to your content managers on the ins and outs of using the CMS for the best results in producing web pages.
  • During the warranty period, we will be happy to help and guide your content managers during any glitches or minimal UI or UX changes.